See below for details on advising, minor courses,
information sessions and academic opportunities

EDES Advising Checklist FORMEDES Advising Checklist

EDES Minor Info and/or Advising Sessions:

  • Check back for posted dates


Please complete and be ready to share the
 EDES Advising Checklist

with your Advisor in your session

EDES Advising Checklist

Academic Requirements for the EDES Minor

Students are encouraged to begin taking courses in the minor during their freshman year, and are encouraged to declare the minor no later than the beginning of their fifth semester.

See General Announcements Minor information for a complete list of courses etc.

The courses listed below satisfy the requirements for this minor.

Four core courses:

12 credit hours (SEMESTER OFFERED)

EDES 120/ EDES 220/ ENGI 120/ENGI 220/ FWIS188 – Introduction to Engineering Design (F/S)
EDES 200/ ENGI 200 – Engineering Design Studio (S/Sum/Most F)
EDES 210/ ENGI 210 – Prototyping and Fabrications (F/S)
EDES 350/ ENGI 350 – Problem Identification and Implementations (S)

Electives: 6 credit hours required

Departmental design or project-based courses, excluding capstone or final-year design, with approval. Examples include but are not limited to BIOE 360, CEVE 314, ELEC 490, MECH 488, and CHBE 490

BIOE 360 - Appropriate Design for Global Health
BUSI 220 - Introduction to Design Innovation (Summer - iSEED)
BUSI 221/369 - New Enterprises (Summer - iSEED)

BUSI 463 – Entrepreneurial Strategy
BUSI 464 – Social Entrepreneurship
CHBE 490 - Chemical Car Engineering and Design
CEVE 314 - Sustainable Water Purification for the Developing World
ELEC 327 – Implementation of Digital Systems
ELEC 442 – Analog Electronic Circuits
ELEC 490 - Electrical Engineering Research Projects
EDES 300/ ENGI 300 – Engineering Design Workshop
EDES 301/ ENGI 301 – Introduction to Practical Electrical Engineering
ENGI 315 – Leading Teams and Innovation
EDES 355/ ENGI 355/ MECH 203/403 - Digital and Computer Aided Design
MECH 488 - Design of Mechatronic Systems
PSYC 370 – Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics

Summer-Fall 2024 EDES Course offering - (will be posted in Spring 2024)

Spring 2024 EDES Course offering - CLICK HERE or DOWNLOAD 

EDES Advising Checklist FORMEDES Advising Checklist

Click the buttons below to access the Summer Experience in Engineering Design, the International Summer Experience in Engineering Design (Summer Study Abroad) and Distinction in Research and Creative Works.

SEED      iSEED      Distinction

Engineering Design Minor FAQs

How do I declare the Engineering Design Minor?

Visit HERE for complete, detailed instructions. Bring your UG Declaration and Change of Major (or Minor or University Certificate) Form to your Advising Session, or reach out to any of the EDES Minor Advisors listed below to have them sign at a mutually convenient time. Be sure to keep a copy of the form for yourself in case the registrar’s office loses it. We will also keep a copy for our records. 

How should I prepare for the advising session? Please review the courses that are required for the minor (above) and complete the EDES Advising Checklist - linked above. We do not expect the session to take long but it is important to do this each semester to be sure you are on track. 

What is the procedure for proposing substitution of BIOE 392 for ENGI 350 for the EDES Minor?

Who: All who have/will take BIOE 392 may receive credit for ENGI 350 if, they submit a technical memo describing the design project that was completed as part of BIOE 392. Requirements for the Tech Memo can be found HERE.

Are there opportunities for recognition within the EDES Minor?

Yes! Are you a student who spends considerable amounts of time at the OEDK Participating in activities that go above and beyond the standard set of course requirements for your undergraduate degrees? Explore the Rice University Distinction in Research and Creative Works

CLICK HERE to learn more!

The Engineering Design (EDES) Minor at Rice University is offered for students who wish to deepen their engineering design experiences and skills through completing six engineering design related courses to earn a minor certification alongside their major degree.

The Engineering Design minor is a complement to existing B.S. and B.A. degree programs in the School of Engineering. While the program is designed for students in the School of Engineering because applied engineering practice is expected in the higher-level courses- and this knowledge will come from student’s work in their engineering majors, students who have appropriate backgrounds from any undergraduate major at Rice are eligible for the minor. Students will build engineering design skills, including technical, project management, leadership and communication skills by working on projects in highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary teams.


Core Courses Spring 2024 Offered
ENGI 120/220/FWIS 188/FWIS288 - Introduction to Engineering Design T/Th 9:25-10:40am, 10:50am-12:05pm 
ENGI 200 – Engineering Design Studio MW 2:00-3:15pm
ENGI 210 – Prototyping and Fabrications T/TH 5:30-6:45pm
ENGI 350 – Problem Identification and Implementations T/TH 2:30-3:45pm
Electives Spring 2024 Offered
ENGI 300 – Engineering Design Workshop M 2:00-4:50pm
ENGI 301 – Introduction to Practical Electrical Engineering T/TH 8:00-9:15pm
PSYC 370 – Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics Does not appear to be taught this semester
ENGI 315 – Leading Teams and Innovation Does not appear to be taught this semester
BUSI 220 - Introduction to Design and Innovation  MW 2:00pm-3:15pm
BUSI 221/ENGI 221 – New Enterprises Does Not Meet
BUSI 463 – Foundations of Entrepreneurship: Strategy and Funding T/TH 10:50am-12:05pm
BIOE/GLHT 360 - Appropriate Design for Global Health MW 2:00-3:15pm
CEVE 314/BIOE 365/GLHT 314 - Sustainable Water Purification for the Developing World Does not appear to be taught this semester
ELEC 342 - Analog Electronic Circuits (changing to ELEC 442) Does not appear to be taught this semester
ELEC 491 - UG EE Research Projects-Vertically Integrated Projects yes - various (Does Not Meet, T/TH 10:50am-12:05pm), (advisor approval needed)
MECH 488 - Design of Mechatronic Systems Does not appear to be taught this semester
CHBE 490 - Chemical Car Engineering and Design Does not appear to be taught this semester

EDES Minor Faculty Advisory Board

*Maria Oden (Co-Chair), Director of OEDK, Teaching Professor BIOE []

*Joe Cavallaro (Co-Chair), Professor ELEC []

*Deirdre Hunter, Lecturer OEDK []

*Heather Bisesti, Lecturer, OEDK []

*Kevin Holmes, Lecturer, OEDK []

*Matthew Wettergreen, Associate Teaching Professor OEDK []

*Gary Woods, Professor in the Practice ELEC []

Marcia O’Malley, Professor MECH

Rafael Verduzco, Associate Professor CHBE

* denotes EDES Student Advising Faculty Team

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK


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