Expectations and Rules:
- Event is held each Friday during the academic semester from 12-1 pm.
- 45 participants maximum each week.
- Registration begins at 11:50 am each Friday in the OEDK computer lab. No one may sign-in after 12:04 pm. Activities begin strictly at 12:05 pm in the OEDK classroom.
- Participants can be students, faculty and staff.
- Participant may not have participated in any way to prepare the challenge of the week.
- Participants will be divided randomly into teams of 3 people each. Participants may NOT choose their own team.
- Participants report to their assigned station in the classroom immediately after registration.
- Participants may not be on the same team twice.
- Judges decisions are final.
- Winners will be announced no later than 12:55 pm.
- Winning teams will split a $300 prize.
- Winning teams and challenges will be featured on OEDK website.
- Winners and other "all stars" will be invited to participate in the end of semester ‘All Star’ Challenge.