3D Drawing: Intro-Level
This workshop will teach students the basics of using a 3D Drawing program (CAD) to create virtual representations of real-world objects. Students will learn a variety of CAD Packages to create objects. Topics covered include: operating various CAD interfaces, creating and editing geometry, advanced geometry creation (extrude, loft, and sweep), and exporting geometries. Students will come away from this workshop being able to design three-dimensional objects for visual communication, manufacturing, or 3D printing purposes.
This class does not have any requirements and will be taught at a level accessible to all. Basic understanding of computer usage is assumed.
Last Signup: 3/16
Signup Link: 3D Drawing: Intro-Level Registration
Rice University HomepageBrown School of EngineeringRice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health
Oshman Engineering Design KitchenRice University
6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005
Phone: 713.348.OEDK
Email: oedk@rice.edu