FabShops - Advanced SolidWorks
SolidWorks is a powerful 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) software used to design, prototype, and test design solutions. In this workshop, learn some of the more advanced techniques to bring your SolidWorks modeling skills to the next level. This interactive experience will teach you the tips and tricks of modeling complex parts and assemblies.
Preparation and Resources:
A basic understanding of SolidWorks is required, as we will begin the workshop with a deep dive into SolidWorks features.
Number of Possible Participants: 10
For those who are registered, please contact oedk@rice.edu ASAP if you are unable to attend! These events can be very popular. If you cannot attend, a space may be freed up for another attendee.
The OEDK will charge a No-Show Fee of $20.00 per each missed FabShop to student accounts. A No-Show fee will be charged:
o If Registered student does not show up
o If unable to attend and student does not cancel 24 hours prior to the start time of each FabShop or if it is a weekend or Monday morning FabShop, by Friday at 8:00 AM CT.
Cancellations must be made via email to oedk@rice.edu.
Rice University HomepageBrown School of EngineeringRice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health
Oshman Engineering Design KitchenRice University
6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005
Phone: 713.348.OEDK
Email: oedk@rice.edu