FabShops - Intro to CAM (Fusion 360)
Some parts are most easily laser cut, and some parts are most easily 3D printed, but in many cases only machining (using subtractive manufacturing) can meet your prototyping needs. Manual machining can take hours of hands-on work, and with increasingly advanced machines you need to know the techniques to instruct machines to make your paths for you. This CAM (Computer-aided Manufacturing) tutorial will show students how to take a CAD (computer-aided design) model and create machining tool paths. Students will learn to use Fusion 360 CAM software so that they can machining parts on the OEDK's two CNC Mills when they need to on future projects. The tutorial will cover key considerations for tooling set-up, how to create clean surface finishes, using multiple tools, and many more skills. Come learn an important skill that will help you in your future engineering projects!
Preparation and Resources:
(Optional) Students can bring their own laptops with Autodesk Fusion 360 pre-installed on it. The student version of this software can be downloaded for free on the Autodesk website: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/students-teachers-educators
No previous experience necessary!
Due to COVID-19 distancing guidelines and procedures, FabShops will occur via Zoom. At the time of the event, a Zoom link will be sent to you via the email you registered with.
Number of Possible Participants: 8
For those who are registered, please contact oedk@rice.edu ASAP if you are unable to attend! These events can be very popular. If you cannot attend, a space may be freed up for another attendee.
The OEDK will charge a No-Show Fee of $20.00 per each missed FabShops to student accounts. A No-Show fee will be charged if:
o Registered student does not show up
o If unable to attend and student does not cancel 24 hours prior to the start time of each FabShop or if it is a weekend or Monday morning FabShop, by Friday at 8:00 AM CT.
Cancellations must be made via email to oedk@rice.edu.
Rice University HomepageBrown School of EngineeringRice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health
Oshman Engineering Design KitchenRice University
6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005
Phone: 713.348.OEDK
Email: oedk@rice.edu