FabShops - Intro to CNC Routers (X-Carve/Carvey)
Learn how to use the OEDK's CNC Routers (X-Carve and Carvey) to cut through materials like wood and acrylic that are too thick for the laser cutter. You can make a variety of 2D and 3D designs on a CNC router and it is especially useful for prototyping and fabrication. Students will get the opportunity to learn how to use Easel, set up the X-Carve/Carvey, and make their own designs to take home.
Preparation and Resources:
All participants must bring their own laptops and wear closed toed shoes. No prior experience necessary.
Number of Possible Participants: 7
Rice University HomepageBrown School of EngineeringRice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health
Oshman Engineering Design KitchenRice University
6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005
Phone: 713.348.OEDK
Email: oedk@rice.edu