FabShops - Introduction to Laser Cutting
Learn the basics of laser cutting - a versatile advanced manufacturing technique used in both prototyping and final development phases - and then put that knowledge to work! This introductory level workshop will teach students the basics of laser cutters and similar technologies and provide a hands-on session where they can make their own laser-cut designs (that will be cut and given to the students who wish to keep them). Students will also have the opportunity to watch the OEDK’s laser cutter in action, and be shown finished products from laser cutters and similar machines.
Preparation and Resources:
Please bring your own laptop, and install the Inkscape software prior to the FabShop. Installation instructions to download this free software can be found at http://www.inkscape.org/en/. Only limited computers will be available for students who do not bring a laptop.
Please note that if you have no experience with 2D drawing software, we will be giving a brief introduction to the use of Inkscape. If you would like to maximize your design time, you can check out these awesome tutorials prior to the lab at http://www.inkscape.org/en/learn/tutorials/
Number of Possible Participants: 40
Rice University HomepageBrown School of EngineeringRice Center for Engineering Leadership Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health
Oshman Engineering Design KitchenRice University
6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005
Phone: 713.348.OEDK
Email: oedk@rice.edu