What: 7th Annual Elevator Pitch Competition - Teams or individuals will present 90-second pitches for their concept. The pitches will describe the designs, the problem or need being solved, the competitive advantages, and the commercial potential of the venture.
Who: This competition is open to ANY Rice undergraduate student or undergraduate team with a business concept or idea. Entries may be at any stage of development.
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015
Time: 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (check-in starts at 4:00 pm)
Where: Shell Auditorium - Jones School - Rice University
Dress code: Business Attire
Refreshments: Light snacks, soft drinks and coffee will be available starting at 6:15pm, during the reception before awards are announced in the Anderson Family Commons.
4:00 – 4:25 pm: Check-in at Registration Desk (Shell Auditorium Lobby)
4:30 – 4:40 pm: Introductions and Acknowledgments (Shell Auditorium)
4:40 – 6:15 pm: Teams present their Elevator Pitches (Shell Auditorium)
6:15 – 7:00 pm: Reception and Judge feedback (Anderson Family Commons)
7:00 – 7:30 pm: Final Acknowledgments Winners Announced (Anderson Family Commons)
Contact: If you have any questions about the competition logistics, please contact Amy Kavalewitz at amy.k@rice.edu or 713-348-8065. Day of competition - 713-805-7498.
What to expect: On competition day, judges need to check in at the registration desk to receive his or her name badge and competition materials. Between 4:00 - 4:25pm, judges may gather in the Anderson Family Commons or in Shell Auditorium Lobby. A few minutes prior to the start of the competition, everyone will be instructed to head into the Shell Auditorium. During the introductions, more specific information will be given about how the competition will proceed and the reception feedback session.
Parking: Visitor parking is available in the Central Campus Garage that is underneath the Jones Graduate School. To park in this garage, enter from Rice Boulevard (Entrance #20), and turn right at the second stop sign. The building and garage entrance will be on your left. Take the elevators at the east end of the garage to the first floor. Parking validations will be provided.
- Please sit in the front of Shell (if seats are available) or as close as possible.
- Open the mobile scorecard through the link sent to your email OR take out the paper scorecard provided in your packet. (The mobile scorecard may take a few seconds to load)
- Refer to the detailed judging criteria and instructions in your packet.
- Turn in or submit your scorecards before you go to feedback session and reception.
- It is only necessary to use a paper scorecard OR a mobile scorecard. You do not need to do both.
- This year there will be a mobile scorecard for those who would like to enter their scores digitally. Paper scorecards will still be available.
- If you would like to use the mobile scorecard, please bring an internet-able smart phone or tablet on the day of the competition.
- To connect the Rice Visitor wireless access: Locate “Rice Visitor” in your available wireless connections. Click connect. Open a browser, click accept.
- To use the mobile scorecard, you must access it through the link provided in your email. Keep in mind the scorecard may take a few seconds to load.
- Make sure you click submit when you are finished with scorecard. You should see a blue “thumbs up” if the scorecard is successfully submitted.
- If at any time you are having difficulty entering scores on the mobile scorecard, please proceed on the paper scorecard provided in your packet.
- Please find an OEDK or Rice Alliance staff member if you have any questions or concerns.
(Please NOTE: This is different from last year's reception layout - Teams will not be stationed anywhere, they will be walking around seeking feedback from judges)
The purpose of the feedback session is to provide coaching, mentoring and advice to the teams to enhance their learning experience.
Feedback Session and Reception will run as follows:
- Judges and Students will gather in the Anderson Family Commons room
- Refreshments will be available.
- Each team must use the Signature Sheet given to them at the time of team check-in to gather signatures from judges they seek feedback from. One Signature Sheet per team. Goal is to get at least 5 signatures.
- Judges are also asked to go around the room and provide feedback to a few teams. Please sign the team's Signature Card at the time of giving feedback.
- Advice from judges should be of a constructive nature about the project, problem or pitch.
- ALL TEAMS WHO GET 5 SIGNATURES WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A $250 prize drawing. Teams should turn in their Signature Cards in the box near the Podium in the reception hall - Anderson Family Commons.