

Membership level
2023-2024 Team
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Project Title
Design Challenge
Currently, there is no mainstream method suitable for low-resource settings to analyze human tissue that has been surgically removed, due to a lack of high-cost equipment and specialized personnel. Although there is a microscope currently being constructed to tackle this problem, there is still a need for a method to evenly slice, dye, and organize the tissue prior to microscopical analysis. The entire process will be suitable for a variety of different socioeconomic environments, require minimal training, and be easily reproducible. The development of this process in conjunction with the microscope would allow for efficient tissue analysis, fewer surgeries for patients, and a reduced workload for physicians and technologists.
Date Updated
Thursday, May 02, 2024
  • Global Health Technologies

Team Members

Team Type
Independent Project

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK

Email: oedk@rice.edu

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