
Irrigation Automation


Member profile details

Membership level
2023-2024 Team
Project Thumbnail Image
Team Name
Project Title
Irrigation Automation
Design Challenge
Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI), despite being a common post-operative urologic procedure, has significant limitations: it lacks a standardized and quantitative method for assessing hematuria severity, relying on subjective adjustments by physicians based on outflow color. It also demands specialized healthcare workers for regular patient monitoring and various tasks including adjusting saline inflow rate, and replacing saline/waste bags, leading to physician burnout and increased patient risks. Thus, we are developing UroFlo, an intuitive system designed to automate CBI treatment, monitor patient status, and alert staff to critical events, aiming to enhance patient outcomes and reduce the burden of manual monitoring on healthcare workers.
Date Updated
Sunday, March 03, 2024
P50 SWPDC Grant - Chester Koh
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  • Bioengineering

Team Members

Award(s) and Recognition
1. 1st Place in the Post-Surgical Infection Management track at the 2024 Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition
2. Best Medical Technology at the 2024 Rice University OEDK Engineering Design Showcase
3. 1st Place at the 2024 ASAIO Student Design Competition
4. Finalist and Best Project from the School of Engineering at the 2024 Rice University Shapiro Research Showcase
5. Semi-finalist at the 2024 Napier Rice Launch Challenge Business Pitch Competition
6. Best Presentation at the TCH Surgical Research Day
7. Most Outstanding Engineering Design Project Award in Rice’s Department of Bioengineering

Last Updated: 05/31/2024
Media Links
Team Type
Collaborative Capstone Design

Member photo albums (1 Album)

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK

Email: oedk@rice.edu

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