Club - Rice Eclipse

Rice Eclipse


Member profile details

Membership level
2021-2022 Team
Project Thumbnail Image
Team Name
Club - Rice Eclipse
Project Title
Rice Eclipse
Design Challenge
Rice Eclipse will use this space to continue to design, construct, and operate rockets, rocket engines, and the avionics hardware and software necessary to operate them. The space will be used by our 16+ sub-teams to store equipment and supplies, hold team meetings, and carry out work sessions. This year's major projects include: building a rocket to launch to 30k feet with a commercial motor, testing our 1,200 lbf thrust hybrid rocket engine, building and testing a new flight computer, testing static testing and diagnostic hardware, continuing our long-running testing campaign of a 50 lbf hybrid rocket engine, and continuing our high-powered rocketry certificates program.
Russell Adams on behalf of Barbara and Roy Adams
  • Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Materials Science
  • Mechanical Engineering

Team Members

Team Type

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK


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